The Best Way To Maintain Weight Loss After A Diet?

Dr Nick Fuller
Leading Obesity Expert at the University of Sydney and founder of Interval Weight Loss.

Congratulations, you did the work, reached your goal weight, and it’s time to reap the benefits. However, your slim-down journey doesn’t end there — discovering how you can maintain your weight after weight loss can be just as challenging as shedding it in the first place.

Losing any weight can have a positive impact on your physical, mental and emotional health. With every excess kilogram lost, you gain more confidence, energy and interest in hobbies and work and relieve the strain on your heart, joints, kidneys and liver. Now is the time to invest in your health and learn how to maintain your weight after losing it.

How to keep weight off

Excess weight in Australia is an immense problem, with 67% of adults classified as being overweight or obese. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, only 40% consume the recommended daily target of two servings of fruit. Meanwhile, 9% of people do not consume six to seven servings of vegetables each day. Without a proper plan in place, it’s not only easy to regain the weight you initially lost, but put on even more. If you’re looking for the best way to maintain your weight after a diet, check out our suggestions below.

Don’t let weekends be your saboteur

It’s incredibly easy to get into a bad habit of maintaining healthy eating practices during the week and overly treating yourself on the weekend —whether by consuming many sweet and processed foods, dining out or relaxing with takeaway food. With a rush of energy and high calorific meals that you may not be able to burn off, your weight can creep back as you try to catch up with healthy dinners during the week. Mindfully watching your eating during the weekends will be helpful in the long run.

Always break your fast

It’s often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and also how you can maintain weight without exercise. Breakfast is a meal designed to break your fast after dinner while fueling your body and brain to tackle the day ahead. Abstaining from breakfast will set you up for failure. By the time you do eat, you may be too hungry to eat mindfully — leading you to binge on healthy or processed foods in abundance.

Dinners as large as your brekkie

It’s said to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper — your dishes don’t need to be equally sized across all meals, as you don’t need to fuel your body with energy overnight. If you’re on a quest to shed some kilos, you’ve probably searched “how can I maintain my weight?” The truth is, you need to re-establish healthy eating habits that will sustain your momentum.

Try scaling your meals from largest to smallest and mirror your energy intake to the time you need it to get the most out of your day. Chewing slowly will also give your vagus nerve time to tell your brain you’re feeling full. Low in calorific value and adding volume and density to your meals, vegetables are a great way to fill your plate and satiate your hunger. They also offer a nutritious dose of micronutrients, vitamins and flavonoids.

Interval Weight Loss — the best way to maintain your weight

Redefine your relationship with food and let Interval Weight Loss be your guide for a slimmer and healthier body you can easily maintain. Led by a scientifically proven approach you can rely on, enjoy a weight loss program you can understand while maintaining an unrestrictive lifestyle.

Sign up today to make the change you want to see or for more information, check out our resources and recipes to learn how to incorporate these delicious and nutritious meals into your diet.

About Dr Nick Fuller

Dr Nick Fuller is the founder of Interval Weight Loss and is a leading obesity expert at the University of Sydney with a Ph.D. in Obesity Treatment. Dr Fuller is also the author of three best-selling books and his work been published in top ranked journals in the medical field, including JAMA, Lancet and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.